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This section includes major and minor prophets as well as characters from the Pentateuch.
:Moses' brother who was made his spokesman by God. Went with Moses to Pharaoh demanding children of Israel's release from slavery. Made Israel's first High Priest. Was not allowed to enter the promised land.
:Adam and Eve's second son. Murdered by jealous older brother Cain. Had faith in God (Hebrews 11) and called righteous by Jesus (Matthew 23:35).
:Originally named Abram. Left home in Ur to go to promised land. Faith tested when asked to sacrifice son Isaac. Promised by God he would be father of many nations and kings. Called father of the faithful (Romans 4:16).
:King David's son who attempted to take over the throne. While fleeing after losing a battle with David's army he is caught in a tree and killed by Joab.
:Name means 'red' or 'red earth.' He is the first created human. Sinned when he ate fruit of tree of good and evil (Genesis 3). Was cast out of Eden along with Eve. Lived 930 years.
:Worst king of Israel. Married to Jezebel. Expanded Israel's worship of pagan gods. Elijah the prophet confronted him for his evil.
:One of the Minor Prophets. Contemporaries were Isaiah and Hosea. Prophesied against Israel's oppression of poor, sexual immorality, luxury and corruption.
:Prophet asked by Balak, the king of the Moabites, to curse Israel as they camped in the wilderness. God warned Balaam not to curse Israel by miraculously having a horse talk and the Angel of the Lord appear ready to kill him (Numbers 22-23). Taught Balak how to corrupt the Israelites and bring judgment down upon themselves (Numbers 31).
:Was from the tribe of Judah. Secretary for the prophet Jeremiah who wrote all his prophecies then read them to the people.
Bathsheba Wife of Uriah the Hittite. King David committed adultery with her then set up Uriah to be killed in battle. Child born out of adultery dies. Marries David and become mother of Solomon and Nathan.
:Last king of Babylonian empire. Saw miraculous "handwriting on wall" which Daniel revealed was God's judgment on him and Babylon - and was killed that night. Darius the Mede, with consent of Persia's Cyrus the Great, takes Babylon.
Benjamin Born to Jacob and Rachel. Was Jacob's youngest of 12 sons.
:Was Rachel's handmaid given to her by her father Laban. Rachel, who was barren, gave Bilhah to Jacob so that she could have children through her (Genesis 30). Gave birth to two sons of Jacob: Dan and Naphtali.
:Married Ruth (who authored the Bible book of Ruth) and was the great-grandfather of King David.
:Adam and Eve's first child who was a tiller of the ground. Became jealous of younger brother Abel and murdered him. Part of his punishment from God was to live as a fugitive.
;'''Cyrus the Great'''
:Considered first true king of the Persian empire. Conquered the Median Empire in 549 B.C. and the Babylonian empire in 539 B.C. Issued decree to allow Jews to return to Jerusalem.
:A descendent of a noble Jewish family who was taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon when he conquered Judah. Was highly likely a eunuch. Became a chief advisor to the King and eventually was made third ruler of kingdom (Daniel 5). God gave him ability to interpret dreams. Survived being thrown in lion's den (Daniel 6). Gave prophecies that foretold of future world empires leading up to the return of Christ.
;'''Darius I the Great'''
:Persian king who authorized the completion of rebuilding Jerusalem's Temple. Work on the temple was completed in 516 B.C.
David Youngest son of Jesse. Greatest king of Israel who ruled 40 years. As a young man killed Goliath the giant. Won military battles that expanded kingdom. Wrote most of book of Psalms. Conquered Jerusalem, made it his capital and brought to it the Ark of the Covenant. Committed adultery with Bathsheba. Son Solomon followed him as king.
:A prophetess who, with the help of Barak, freed Israel from the oppression brought by the King of Canaan. Deborah and Barak serve as Israel's Judges for 40 years (Judges 4-5).
Delilah Philistine harlot who was bribed to entice Samson to reveal secret of his strength. Had Samson's hair cut while he slept, rendering him weak.
:High Priest who judged Israel 40 years after death of Samson. Taught a very young Samuel who eventually became one a prophet.
Elijah Prophet who warned and punished King Ahab for his sins. Raised widow's son from the dead. Had confrontation with Israel's false prophets which ended in their death. After fleeing death threats from Jezebel is told to anoint 2 kings and make Elisha his successor. Chariot of fire miraculously takes him to a location away from Elisha.
:Elijah's successor as prophet of Israel. Received 'a double portion' of Elijah's spirit after seeing him leave by chariot of fire. Brought back to life child who died in farming accident.
Enoch There are at least two "Enochs" in Scripture. The first is the eldest son of Cain (Genesis 4:17). The second is the son of Jared (Genesis 5:18) and father of Methuselah (verse 21), the oldest person who ever lived (969 years). This second Enoch was 365 years old when God "translated" him, meaning moved him miraculously to another place on earth (and not to heaven as many teach) to likely avoid being killed.
:Also called Edom. Son of Isaac and older twin brother of Jacob. Sold his birthright for bowl of lentil soup. Founder of the Edomites.
Esther Jewish wife of Persian king. Told by Mordecai of plot to destroy all the Jews in the kingdom. Foils plot by Haman to kill Mordecai and all the Jews. Jewish festival of Purim celebrates events in Book of Esther and the delivery of the Jews through the Queen.
:First woman created. Made from one of Adam's ribs (Genesis 2:21-22). Her name means "life." Sinned by eating from tree of good and evil (Genesis 3) and was thrown out of Eden with Adam. Gave birth to Cain, Abel, Seth and many other children.
:One of the Bible's major prophets. Taken into Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar. Known for having visions of 'wheel in the middle of a wheel' (Ezekiel 1, 10) and valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37).
:An Aaronic priest who led the effort, along with the Great Synagogue, to canonize the Old Testament. Produced Old Testament containing 22 manuscripts divided into three main divisions: The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings.
:Called by God to deliver Israel from Midianite and Amalekite oppression. Took 300 men and surrounded the camp of Israel's enemies (Judges 7). After all the men blew trumpets and broke pitchers with torches in them the enemy became confused and fought amongst themselves. Gideon served 40 years as Israel's judge.
:One of five giant Philistine brothers who was at least 9 feet 3 inches tall (2.82 meters). In battle he wore a protective coat that weighed at least 78 U.S. pounds (35.4 kilograms) and threw a spear that was 26 feet (7.9 meters) long. Considered the Philistine's greatest fighter when a very young David fought and killed him.
:One of the minor prophets. Gave prophecies concerning destruction of Chaldeans and against greed, graft, idolatry and aggression.
:An Egyptian taken as Abraham's handmaid when Sarah, his wife, thought her age prohibited having children. On Sarah's approval Abraham had a child named Ishmael through Hagar. She lived with the couple until Ishmael was about 14 years old.
Haggai One of the minor prophets. Gave prophecies concerning the restoration of Jerusalem's temple and the neglect of those rebuilding it.
:The youngest of Noah's three children. Survived the great flood in the ark. His sons were Cush, Mizraim, Phut and Canaan (from which the land of Canaan gets its name).
:Barren woman who prayed to God for a child and promised to dedicate him to His service. She miraculously gave birth to Samuel, one of the most important prophets in the Old Testament.
:Also called Eber. Great-grandson of Shem. Lived from 2276 - 1812 B.C. It is believed that from his name the term 'Hebrews,' used to denote those claiming descent from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is derived.
:King of Tyre who assisted King David in building his house. Helps King Solomon build temple by sending wood, gold, other materials.
:One of the minor prophets who warned Israel about their adultery, idolatry and drunkenness.
Hoshea Last King of Israel from 732 - 723 B.C. Samaria falls to Assyrian King Shalmaneser V in 723 B.C. and the Ten Tribes of Israel (also known as the Northern Kingdom) are taken captive to Assyria.
:Only child of Abraham and Sarah. Miraculously born after Sarah healed of being barren. The Eternal tested Abraham's faith by asking he sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22). Wife was Rebekah, who bore him Esau and Jacob. Lived longer (180) than his father Abraham (175) or son Jacob (147).
Isaiah One of the Bible's major prophets. Served during reigns of kings Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. Foretold the coming and suffering of Jesus (Isaiah 52:13-53:12). Jesus began his ministry by quoting from Isaiah 61 (Luke 4:16-21).
:Abraham's eldest son by Hagar, Sarah's maidservant. Grew up to be a "wild man" (Genesis 16:12). Was cast into the wilderness with his mother when he mocked Isaac. God made him into a great nation and gave him twelve sons who were princes of their tribes (Genesis 17:20).
:Son of Isaac and twin-brother to Esau. Buys Esau's birthright blessing for bowl of stew (Genesis 25:29-34). Steals father's blessing by pretending to be Esau. Flees Esau to Laban, where he must work 14 years to marry Rachel. Wrestles with man who is actually Jesus and has name changed to Israel (Genesis 32:22-32). His sons which represent the tribes of Israel: Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Isaachar, Judah, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulon. Levi, though a son, is usually not listed as a tribe due to being made priests of the Eternal. Although Joseph was also a son of Jacob his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh, whom Jacob gave the birthright blessing (Genesis 48), are listed as tribes instead of him.
:The middle oldest of Noah's three children. Survived the great flood in the ark. His sons were Gomer, Magog, Javan, Tubal and others.
:King of Judah who ruled for only 3 months in 598 - 597 B.C. After Jerusalem falls at the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar he is captured and taken as prisoner to Babylon.
:Destined to be a major prophet before he was born (Jeremiah 1:4-5). Foretells and laments the desolation of Jerusalem and Judah. Imprisoned by Judah's King Zedekiah but released by Nebuchadnezzar. Foretold suffering of Jesus.
:Reigned over a divided Israel (composed of only 10 tribes), whose capital was originally Shechem, from 930-909 B.C. Set up a golden calve god in Dan and Bethel to keep people from worshipping in Jerusalem (1Kings 12). Set precedence of idolatry and leading Israel to sin that the Lord would reference many times (1Kings 16:2, 19, 31, etc.)
:Grandson of Boaz and Ruth. Was father of King David, his youngest of 8 children.
Jezebel Wife of King Ahab who led him to do great evil. Threaten Elijah the prophet with death.
:Son of David's sister and commander of David's army. Had several military successes. Played a part in David's plot to have Uriah, Bathsheba's husband, killed in battle to cover up his adultery with her (2Samuel 11). Murdered Abner in revenge for death of brothers (2Samuel 3). Did not support Solomon becoming the next king. Solomon had Joab killed per David's request (1Kings 2).
:Wrote first book of the Bible. Was wealthy and considered righteous when Satan challenged God regarding the sincerity of his obedience (Job 1). The devil is allowed to take away Job's possessions and kill his children. After a period of trial and testing (made worse by his 'friends') the Eternal personally confronts Job and causes him to repent.
:One of the minor prophets whose prophecies parallel what is in book of Revelation. Gave prophecies regarding future judgment and punishment of mankind.
:A prophet sent to warn Nineveh of their impending judgment for their sins. Jonah initially refuses to warn the city. God then has a great fish swallow him. Jonah cries out for help and after 3 days and nights (a type of Jesus' death) the fish vomits Jonah on a beach near Nineveh. He then warns the city, which heeds his words, repents, and is spared destruction.
:Son of King Saul. Was very close friend of King David. Died in battle.
:Favorite son of Jacob. Mother is Rachel. Received coat of many colors from Jacob (Genesis 37). Sold as slave by his brothers. Was prisoner in Egypt. Interprets dreams of Pharaoh and made overseer of Egypt (Genesis 41). Has two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim. Saves entire family by having them move to Egypt to avoid famine. Joseph is also name of Mary's (Jesus' mother) husband.
:Led children of Israel into promised land after death of Moses. Led battles to conquer land given by God. Divided land among the tribes. Served 18 years as Israel's first judge.
:One of the best Kings of Judah. Reigned 31 years. Helped restore the true worship of the Lord to Judah. Fatally wounded in battle by random arrow.
:Jacob's fourth son by Leah. Interceded to stop other brothers from killing Joseph (Genesis 37). Had incest with daughter-in-law (Genesis 38). Tribe of Judah led conquest of promised land (Judges 1).

Latest revision as of 23:03, 22 May 2019