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:Prophet who prophesied that a three-year famine would occur in Judea and Jerusalem (Acts 11). Also prophesied the apostle Paul would be bound and arrested in Jerusalem (Acts 21).
;'''Ananias and Sapphira'''
:Husband and wife who lied about property they sold to benefit the church. They were stricken dead the moment they confessed their lie (Acts 5:1-10).
:At the time of Jesus' arrest Annas (Ananus ben Seth) was a former High Priest (6 - 15 A.D.) and likely the president of the Sanhedrin. Although High Priests were to serve for life Annas was removed from office by Valerius Gratus (15 - 26 A.D.), the Roman procurator of Judea. Annas was father-in-law of the High Priest Caiaphas (18-36 A.D.). Jesus was first taken to the court of Annas after his betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane (John 18).
:A Jew born in Alexandria who knew the Scriptures very well and was a good speaker. Aquila and Priscilla instructed him regarding Jesus Christ (Acts 18:24-28). Met the apostle Paul in Corinth and was with him when Paul wrote his epistle to the Ephesians.
:Robber, murderer whom Pontius Pilate wanted to condemn to death instead of Jesus.
:Name means "son of consolation." He was a Levite who lived on the island of Cyprus. Sold land to give money to the early church. Brought Paul to the apostles at a time when everyone was rejecting him. Traveled with Paul on his first missionary journey. He was a cousin of of Mark, one of the 4 gospel writers.
:Roman-appointed High Priest and Sadducee who was son-in-law of a former high priest named Annas (6 - 15 A.D.). Served as High Priest at Jerusalem's temple from 18 to 36 A.D. and ruled longer than any other priest in New Testament times. Hated Jesus and plotted with other priests and elders to have him killed "by trickery" (Matthew 26:5, NKJV). Jesus appeared before him after his arrest in order to 'officially' be condemned to death (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22). The disciples also appeared before Caiaphas in regard to teaching the truth (Acts 4).
:Roman centurion, living at Caesarea, who became the first gentile (non-Jew) to be baptized and become a Christian.
:Also called Tabitha. A Christian widow, living in Joppa, whom Peter brought back from the dead (Acts 9).
:Wife of Zacharias who was a cousin of Mary, Jesus' mother. She was healed of being barren and gave birth to John the Baptist.
:A young man in Troas who fell through an open window while listening to the apostle Paul teach. Paul brought the young man back from the dead (Acts 20).
:Roman Procurator of Judea from 52 to 60 A.D. The apostle Paul is sent to Felix after he caused a riot at Jerusalem's temple (Acts 21). Governor Felix, in spite of Paul's innocence, keeps him a Caesarea prison for 2 years hoping to be bribed to release him (Acts 24:26-27). In 60 A.D. Felix is replaced as Procurator by Porcius Festus.
:Roman Procurator of Judea from 60 to 62 A.D. Hears the case against the apostle Paul after Governor Felix has had him in prison for 2 years. As a Roman citizen Paul asserts his right to have his case heard by Caesar in Rome. Festus agrees to send Paul to Rome.
:Well-known Pharisaic Rabbi and grandson of the also famous Rabbi Hillel. Taught a very young Saul (apostle Paul - Acts 22:3). When apostles were brought before the Sanhedrin he wisely counseled them to "leave them alone" lest they might find THEMSELVES fighting against God (Acts 5)!
:Herod the Great, the son of Antipater (who started the Herodian dynasty of rule), was made tetrarch of Jerusalem/Galilee in 41 B.C. by Mark
:In 37 B.C. Herod is made King of Judea by the Romans. Began to repair and restore Jerusalem's Temple in 20 B.C. Known for his cruelty, he ordered the slaughter of males two years old and younger around Bethlehem in an attempt to kill baby Jesus.
;'''Herod Antipas'''
:Upon the death of his father Herod the Great, becomes tetrarch of Galilee and Perea around 4 B.C. When condemned by John the Baptist for marrying a relative he throws John in prison. Herod, because of a promise made to Salome (his wife Herodias' daughter by previous marriage) who pleased him with a dance, has John the Baptist beheaded. Herod questions, then mocks Jesus just before he is sent to the cross.
;'''Herod Agrippa'''
:Grandson of Herod the Great, takes over rulership when Herod Antipas dies in 39 A.D. To please the Jews has James, the brother of John, murdered and throws Peter in prison. God sends the angel of the Lord to kill Herod in 44 A.D.
;'''John the Baptist'''
:John, a Nazarite from birth, was born 6 months before Jesus. His ministry lasted from 26 to 29 A.D. His mission was to prepare the people for the ministry of Jesus. Was beheaded by Herod Antipas.
:Husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus. Was a just man who died sometime after Jesus' 12th birthday.
;'''Joseph of Arimathea'''
:A rich member of the Sanhedrin who secretly believed in Jesus. After Jesus' death got Pontius Pilate to give him the body. Both Joseph and Nicodemus wrap Jesus' body in fine linen with a mixture of myrrh and aloes and bury him in a brand new tomb Joseph made for himself. (Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19).
:Paul counted her "great among the apostles" (Romans 16:7). Junia is a contentious figure in New Testament Studies and remains a point of conflict among those who support Women's Ordination and those who oppose Women's Ordination.
:Brother of Mary and Martha and a relative of Jesus who lived in Bethany. Jesus resurrected him after he had been in a tomb for four days.
:Wrote one of the four gospels and the book of Acts. Traveled with Paul on part of his second and third missionary journeys. Accompanies Paul from Caesarea to Rome in 60 A.D. during what is called Paul's Fourth Missionary Journey. Luke is again with Paul during his final imprisonment in Rome which started in 67 A.D.
:A Jewish proselyte who was a "seller of purple." She was the apostle Paul's first convert to Christianity in Europe (Acts 16:13-15).
:Was also known as John Mark. He was a cousin of Barnabas. Wrote one of the four gospels. Abruptly left Paul and Barnabas during Paul's first missionary journey.
:Mother of Jesus who was of the lineage of King David. Not counting Jesus, Mary gave birth to four boys and at least two girls (for a family of seven or more children!). After the death and resurrection of Jesus she was taken care of by the apostle John.
;'''Mary Magdalene'''
:Most prominent of Jesus' female disciples. This Mary was the first person to see Jesus alive after his resurrection.
:A Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin who, like Joseph of Arimathea, believed in Jesus. He first visits Jesus at night and tells him the Sanhedrin knows he is a teacher from God (John 3). He later defends Jesus in a meeting of the Sanhedrin (John 7:45-53). After Jesus' death on the cross he helps Joseph of Arimathea wrap his body and bury him (John 19:38-42).
:Born around 2 A.D. Originally named Saul. Although a Jew was considered a Roman citizen. Taught by well-known Pharisaic Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). Became a zealous Pharisee who persecuted early Christian church (Acts 7-8). Was converted on trip to Damascus and later renamed Paul (Acts 13:9). Worked as tent maker during ministry (Acts 18:2-3). From 33 to 67 A.D. conducted 5 missionary journeys preaching the gospel. Spent a total of about 6 years in prison. Wrote 14 New Testament books. Was martyred, at the age of 66, in Rome.
:Originally named Simon and renamed Peter by Jesus. A married fisherman from Bethsaida who was third person Jesus called to be an apostle (John 1:40-42). He walked on water with Jesus (Matthew 14) and also denied 3 times he knew him (Matthew 26). Was a witness to Jesus' transfiguration (Matthew 17). Raised a widow from the dead (Acts 9). Was rebuked by Apostle Paul for his hypocritical behavior (Galatians 2). Wrote two New Testament books. Died a martyr at the hands of Rome around 67 A.D.
:One of Jesus' twelve apostles. Resided in Bethsaida where also Andrew and Peter lived. Also the name of one of the first 7 men specially chosen by the early church to serve (Acts 6). Was also considered an evangelist. The apostle Paul stayed at Philip's house on his way to Jerusalem (Acts 21:8-10).
:A deaconess of the church at Cenchrea. Took apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans to the city of Rome (Romans 16).
;'''Pontius Pilate'''
:Was Roman Prefect (governor) of Judea during the time of Jesus' public ministry and crucifixion. Served as Prefect from 26 to 36 A.D. Thought Jesus was innocent of death but condemned him to the cross due to pressure from Jewish leaders.
;Priscilla and Aquila
:Husband and wife team who helped instruct Apollos about Jesus Christ (Acts 18). Half the time Priscilla's name is mentioned in scripture it is placed before Aquila's. They meet the apostle Paul for the first time in Corinth toward the end of his second missionary journey (Acts 18). They, like Paul, made a living as tentmakers.
:Was Herodias' daughter by a former husband. Herodias was the wife of Herod Antipas who was tetrarch of Galilee. Though not identified by name in the New Testament the historian Josephus states it was Salome. Her dance before Herod and his birthday guests so pleased him that he offered to give her anything she wanted. On her mother's advice she asks for the head of John the Baptist, who was in Herod's prison (Mark 6). Her wish is granted and she is given John's head on a plate. Salome was also name of apostle John and James' mother who followed Jesus (Matthew 27:56, Mark 15). She is the person who requested from Jesus that her two sons sit next to him in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 20:20-21)
:Also called Silvanus. Accompanied Paul and Barnabas from Jerusalem to Antioch with church decision concerning circumcision and salvation (Acts 15). Traveled with the apostle Paul on his second missionary journey. Delivered to elders in the church the apostle Peter's first epistle (1Peter 5:12).
:Also known as Simon the Canaanite or Simon the Zealot. One of Jesus' original 12 disciples. Was brother of the disciples James the Less and Judas (not Iscariot).
;'''Simon of Cyrene'''
:Person who was seized by Roman soldiers and forced to carry Jesus' cross to Golgotha (Matthew 27:32).
;'''Simon the Sorcerer'''
:Also called Simeon Magus. He was a Samaritan sorcerer who practiced magic and presented himself as being 'great' (Acts 8). Was nominally converted and baptized by Philip. Saw how by the laying on of hands the Holy Spirit was given to believers and thought he could purchase the same power for himself. Was strongly rebuked by Peter for his request. The term Simony, used to denote a person who makes a profit from religious or sacred things, was derived from him.
:One of original 7 Jerusalem deacons. Was first Christian martyr in 32 A.D. (Acts 6 - 7).
:One of 12 Apostles, also known as Lebbeus or Judas.
:Also called Didymus. Was one of Jesus' 12 disciples. After Jesus' resurrection, when the other disciples had seen him alive, Thomas refused to believe Jesus was back from the dead until he literally saw and touched his wounds from the cross (Matthew 28:9-10, Luke 24:36-48). Later, Jesus did appear to Thomas and removed all doubts. The term "doubting Thomas" comes from Thomas' disbelief in Jesus' literal resurrection.
:Lived in Lystra. His mother was a Jew and father was a Greek. Traveled with Paul on most of his second missionary journey, served Paul in Ephesus during third missionary journey (Acts 19:22) and was with him during his imprisonment in Rome (Philemon 1:1). Paul stated that Timothy was specially given the gift to evangelize and defend the truth (1Timothy 4:14, 2Timothy 1:6). He considered Timothy his closest friend and even treated him like a son (2Timothy 2:2-6).
:A chief tax collector of Jericho who was rich and short. Had to climb a tree to see Jesus walk by. On seeing Zacchaeus Jesus stated he would stay at his house for the night (Luke 19).
Much of this content was gratefully borrowed from http://www.biblestudy.org/beginner/list-of-important-people-in-new-testament.html BibleStudy.org]

Latest revision as of 23:05, 22 May 2019