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==Recommended Reading==
==Recommended Reading==
Leo Donald Davis, ''The First Seven Ecumenical Councils (325-787): Their History and Theology'' (Michael Glazier, 1983)
Bruce Kaye, ''An Introduction to World Anglicanism'' (Cambridge University Press, 2008)
Bruce Kaye, ''An Introduction to World Anglicanism'' (Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Revision as of 21:37, 23 May 2018

Recommended Reading

Bruce Kaye, An Introduction to World Anglicanism (Cambridge University Press, 2008)

J.R.H. Moorman, A History of the Church in England, 3rd Edition (Morehouse Publishing, 1980)

Stephen Noll, The Global Anglican Communion: Contending for Anglicanism 1993-2018 (Anglican House, 2018)

Robert W. Prichard, A History of the Episcopal Church - Third Revised Edition: Complete through the 78th General Convention (Morehouse Publishing, 2014)



Bede, Ecclesiastical History ([1])

Thomas Aquinas, selections of the Summa Theologica on God’s existence (First Part, QQ. 2-26; [2]), grace (First Part of the Second Part, QQ. 109-113; [3]) and virtues (First Part of the Second Part, QQ. 55-70; [4])

Bernard of Clairvaux, On Loving God ([5])

Julian of Norwich, Showings ([6])

Cloud of Unknowing ([7])

Anselm of Canterbury, Prayers and Meditations ([8]) and Cur Deus Homo ([9])


John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion ([10])

Homily on the Salvation of Mankind ([11])

Martin Luther, Freedom of a Christian ([12]) and Preface to Galatians ([13])

John Jewel, An Apology or Answer in Defence of the Church of England ([14])

Preface, 1549 Book of Common Prayer and 39 Articles of Religion ([15])


Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral ([16])

John Henry Newman, Tracts for the Times 2 ([17])

Jeremy Taylor, Holy Living ([18])

The Jerusalem Statement ([19])

The Conciliar Tradition in Anglicanism

Phil Ashey, Anglican Conciliarism: The Church Meeting to Decide Together (Anglican House, 2017)

Paul Avis, Beyond the Reformation?: Authority, Primacy and Unity in the Conciliar Tradition (T & T Clark, 2008)

Paul Avis, “Anglican Conciliarity and the Lambeth Conference,” Theology 101 (1998): 245-252.

Canonical Areas

Church History/Anglican Church History

a. Patristics & Early Church b. Medieval & Reformation Church c. Modern Church