Missiology and ecclesiology

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Recommended Reading


Anglican Ecclesiology and the Gospel by John Fenwick

Nowhere else can be found in one volume this kind of thorough treatment of the ecclesial and sacramental aspects called for in the Great Commission. For John Fenwick, ecclesiology is apostolic from beginning to end and a reminder that the Gospel has not, will not, and cannot change. Though it is written couched in the context of the Free Church of England, it is still transferable to our setting today. The Author’s subtitle The Renewing of a Vision points to meaningful conclusions wherein the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ for the unity of his Church (John 17:20-23) can begin to be realized and the Church’s witness to the world made stronger. In an extraordinarily wide-ranging scholarly survey of the current worldwide scene, this work in a very engaging manner renders a tremendous service to Anglicans worldwide in raising questions and scrutinizing the serious issues facing the Church today and their impact on the Body of Christ. It winsomely calls the wider Anglican family to face the present controversies, which happen to be troubling the church, through the lens of the ancient Christian faith, as it was received by the Church of England and bequeathed to her thirty-nine daughter churches throughout the world.

Missionary Work of the Church

a. How gospel has been passed from one language, tribe, nation to another b. Basic principles of cross-cultural communication c. Mission Strategies d. Personal relational evangelism and apologetics e. Modern Missionary Movements f. Missionary connection with Monasticism g. Post-Christian America h. Re-engineering from the mission field backwards i. Missiology and ecclesiology j. Missional Implications of Technology k. Church Planting

Canonical Areas