Practical Theology

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Practical Theology is the application of theological studies and church doctrine seen through the lens of Scripture, Tradition and Reason. Practical Theology speaks to all aspects of life and in particular the everyday reality of Christian Discipleship, Worship and Ministry. Therefore, Practical Theology is a broad discipline that includes, but is not limited to, Evangelism, Discipleship, Homiletics, Sacramental Life, Leadership Development, Pastoral Care, Office and Work of the Episcopate, Presbyterate and Diaconate and Church Administration.

In simple terms Practical Theology is the application of our Faith in every aspect of our personal and corporate life. It is the reflection of Jesus Christ and his love to a broken world.

Recommended Reading

Between Two Worlds (John R.W. Stott)

Biblical Preaching (Haddon W. Robinson)

Lead On (John Haggai)

7 Practices of Effective Ministry (Andy Stanley)


Areas of Practical Theology

  1. Evangelism
  2. Discipleship
  3. Homiletics
  4. Sacramental Life
  5. Leadership Development
  6. Pastoral Care
  7. Office & Work of the Episcopate, Presbyterate & Diaconate
  8. Church Administrator
  9. Constitution & Canons of the ACNA & Diocese of the Candidate

Evangelism, Discipleship, Homiletics, Sacramental Life, Leadership Development, Pastoral Care, Office and Work of the Episcopate, Presbyterate and Diaconate and Church Administration

Canonical Areas