Personal relational evangelism and apologetics

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Recommended Reading


Apologetics for a New Generation: A Biblical and Culturally Relevant Approach to Talking About God by Sean McDowell

Many teenagers leave home for college but don't take their faith with them. Popular writer and speaker Sean McDowell offers a solution for this problem: a new way of approaching faith that addresses the questions the emerging generation is asking and that incorporates a radically humble and relational approach. An impressive list of contributors show that today's apologetics must employ... • a clear connection with everyday life • an invitation for people to express their doubts and wrestle with tough questions • a culturally savvy understanding of the way secular people view Christians • an engaging methodology that captures the imagination before engaging the mind • a strong emphasis on the resurrection and how it changes everything This resource is imperative for leaders who are ready to engage a new generation with the claims of Christ.

Missionary Work of the Church

a. How gospel has been passed from one language, tribe, nation to another b. Basic principles of cross-cultural communication c. Mission Strategies d. Personal relational evangelism and apologetics e. Modern Missionary Movements f. Missionary connection with Monasticism g. Post-Christian America h. Re-engineering from the misssion field backwards i. Missiology and ecclesiology j. Missional Implications of Technology k. Church Planting

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