Leadership Development

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The ability to care adequately for the Flock of God (the Church) entrusted to us

Pastoral Care involves many facets of a pastor or shepherds' role, from being able to teach Christian doctrine and safe guarding the Flock of God from heresy and error, to tending to the needs of the flock, caring for the sick, administering the sacraments, strengthening the weak, comforting the afflicted, encouraging all toward holiness, counseling, preparing those to be baptized, confirmed, married, etc. Burying the dead and comforting the sorrowful. (1 Peter 5:2-3).

The candidate must be able to express with clarity his/her role as shepherd of the sheep in the Name of Jesus the Great Shepherd of our souls, in reference to each of those roles mentioned above.

Recommended Reading


Practical Theology

a. Office & work of the Episcopate, Presbyterate and Diaconate b. Conduct of Worship c. Principles of sermon composition & delivery d. Principles & methods of Christian education in the parish e. Constitutions and Canons of ACNA & Local Diocese f. Use of voice in reading & speaking in worship g. Healing Prayer h. Sacramental Theology i. Theology of Marriage j. Baptismal Theology k. Leadership Development l. Strategic Planning

Canonical Areas