Doctrine - Deacons

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Doctrine For Deacons - Anglican doctrine is expressed in The Book of Common Prayer liturgies, but more specifically in the 39 Articles and in the ACNA Catechism (To Be a Christian).

  • Introduction to Christian Theology
    • Creeds
      • The Apostles’ Creed
      • The Nicene Creed
      • The Athanasian Creed
    • Heresies -
      • Gnosticism - Materialism
      • Arianism
      • Pelagianism
      • Modalism
      • Docetism
      • Adoptionism
      • Nestorianism
      • Deism
  • Doctrine of God
    • Trinity
    • Christology
    • Pneumatology
  • Doctrine of Salvation
    • Sin and Suffering
    • Incarnation
    • Atonement
  • Life in Christ
  • Doctrine of the Church
    • Ecclesiology
      • Priesthood of All Believers
      • Three-Fold Order of Ministry
        • How each order is distinct and contributes to the Body of Christ
    • Sacramental Theology
      • Dominical Sacraments of Baptism & Holy Eucharist
      • Familiar with other five sacramental rites
    • Theology of Mission
      • Kingdom of God as the impetus for mission
      • Purpose of the Church
    • Eschatology
  • Christian Anthropology
    • Imago Dei
    • Man / Woman Identity - Male / Female relationship
    • Biblical View of Gender -
    • Body and Soul
    • Distortions of Anthropology
      • Materialism
      • Narcissism
  • Anglican Doctrine
    • Anglican Theological Method
    • Thirty-Nine Articles

For Deacons