Content of Scripture

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Being familiar with the contents of Holy Scripture allows us as Christians to enter into the story of Salvation in its breadth and depth. In particular, canidates for ordination are expected to have memorized the Ten Commandments, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

There are several content examinations within the Canonical Area of Holy Scripture. Within the area of Old Testament they include short exams on the Penteteuch, the Histories, the Prophets, the Wisdom Literature and the Deutero-Canon. Within the area of New Testament they include short exams on the Gospels, Acts & Revelation and the Epistles. There is a separate exam on the Ten Commandments which requires memorization of the Commandments as they appear in the Liturgical texts or the ACNA Catechism entitled "To Be a Christian."

Recommended Reading


Canonical Areas

Holy Scripture

Content of Scripture

a. Books of the Bible & Category b. Major Biblical Figures c. Major Biblical Themes

Historical background

a. Cultural context of Bible and passages b. Salvation History and the Story of the Bible c. Sitz im Leben of books and passages

Interpretive Methods

a. Modern Critical Methods b. Exegesis for sermon/preaching c. Scripture interprets scripture d. Patristic Interpretive Methods e. Theological Interpretation of Scripture