Major Biblical Figures

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Knowing the major biblical figures of the entire Bible makes the great story of salvation contained in Holy Scripture a single, coherent story in which we see revealed God's love for His creation and His continuing mercy towards us fallen human beings.

Each of the following pages includes brief descriptions of Major Biblical Figures. This is not an exaustive listing, and is intended to guide people preparing for the Canonical Exams.

Hebrew Bible

Prophets, Kings, Priests, Tribes of Israel

New Testament

Jesus and His Relatives, Apostles of Jesus, Priests, Prophets, Other Believers, Secular Rulers

Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob, Leah, and Rachel, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, Joshua, Caleb, and Rahab, Deborah and Gideon, Ruth and Naomi, David and Solomon, Elijah and Elisha, Isaiah, Amos, Hosea, and Micah, Josiah, Jeremiah, Huldah, Mary and Jospeh, Simeon and Anna, John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Andrew, Thomas, Saul / Paul, Philip the Evangelist, Lydia, Priscilla and Aqulia, Apollos, Barnabas, Phoebe

Recommended Reading


Canonical Areas

Holy Scripture

Content of Scripture

a. Books of the Bible & Category b. Major Biblical Figures c. Major Biblical Themes

Historical background

a. Cultural context of Bible and passages b. Salvation History and the Story of the Bible c. Sitz im Leben of books and passages

Interpretive Methods

a. Modern Critical Methods b. Exegesis for sermon/preaching c. Scripture interprets scripture d. Patristic Interpretive Methods e. Theological Interpretation of Scripture