Modern Church

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In this section we are preparing to be able to describe how the Anglican Church in North America ultimately came to be. So we are studying the modern Church looking at the following movements and events leading up to the rise of Liberal Christianity and Liberal Anglicanism in particular and the decisions and unbiblical practices that led to the establishment of the ACNA and of GAFCON. Yet this period also is inhabited by godly men and women whose faith and action caused Anglicanism to grow and spread to 39 provinces in nearly as many nations with over seventy million members. We need to be able to tell this story of phenomenal growth and especially how it was produced as fruit from the missionary movement in the global South. This knowledge is not only important in order to impart a sense of joy and thanksgiving in our members in America who tend to see Anglicanism as a very small movement but also for lifting their eyes to the nations of the world for the launching of new missionary movements in our own time.

From the Moorman book, take note of:

▪ The glorious revolution and Non-Jurors ▪ The evangelical movement and Tractarians ▪ The Wesleyan Movement ▪ The Oxford Movement and Tractarians ▪ Missionary Movements ▪ Development of the Anglican Communion and Lambeth Conferences

American Anglican Church History:

▪ Foundations in North America ▪ Colonial Period ▪ Great Awakening ▪ Revolutionary War ▪ Founding of the Episcopal Church ▪ American Missionary Work ▪ Rise of Liberal Christianity ▪ Foundation of the ACNA

Recommended Reading

Bruce Kaye, An Introduction to World Anglicanism (Cambridge University Press, 2008)


Canonical Areas

Church History/Anglican Church History

a. Patristics & Early Church b. Medieval & Reformation Church c. Modern Church