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(g. Atonement)
(h. Kingdom)
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===h.      Kingdom===
===h.      Kingdom===
As the monarchy began the people of Israel were reminded that YHWH was their king, and the promise to David, and the anticipation throughout the Psalms and Prophets, was a kingdom ruled by YHWH. Jesus came announcing the coming of the kingdom of God, Paul speaks of inheriting the kingdom, and the book of Revelation ends with the announcement that "the kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ."
===i.      Exile===
===i.      Exile===

Revision as of 00:30, 24 May 2018

There are certain major biblical themes with which persons serving in ministry are expected to be familiar. These themes are listed below.

a. Creation

God's creation of the heavens and the earth is how the bible begins, and the theme of creation, or of God as creator, recurs throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

b. Fall

The entrance of sin, evil, and death into the world occurs in Genesis 3, and the consequences of the fall resounds throughout the bible.

c. Covenant

God initiates covenants with humans throughout scripture--in creation, after the flood, with Abraham, with Moses, with David, and, finally, the New Covenant in and through Jesus Christ.

d. People of God

God makes covenants with humans, and seeks to establish a people for the purpose of worship and mission. This is seen in relationships with Adam and Eve, Noah and his descendants, significantly with Abraham and his descendants, Moses and the people delivered from slavery in Egypt, David and the kingdom of Israel, and, finally, the people of God gathered by the Spirit in the church, meant to anticipate the renewed heavens and earth as they worship and serve.

e. Exodus

In the Exodus God delivered the people from slavery and brought them into freedom, thus constituting a people. The theme of exodus is found through the Old Testament, reminding God's people that they were saved from slavery in Egypt. Jesus' death and resurrection is understood as a new exodus and a new passover, delivering God's people from the slavery of sin and death.

f. Law

The giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai is a pivotal event in the life of God's people, intended to mark them out as God's people for the sake of inviting the nations to worship and serve the true God. The giving of the Law, and the people's failure to keep the Law, is a story that is told consistently through scripture. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for misunderstanding the Law, and Paul describes the Law as a burden, from which the believer in Jesus is freed by Jesus' death and resurrection, with the accompanying gift of the Holy Spirit.

g. Atonement

From the time of animals being killed for skins to cover Adam and Eve, there has been death in order to "cover" the sin of the guilty before God. The Levitical system in the temple was provided to deal with the sins of the people, which culminated in Jesus, the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world," dying as both priest and victim. Jesus as sacrifice for sin is a theme that consistently recurs in Paul, the Johannine epistles and in the letter to the Hebrews.

h. Kingdom

As the monarchy began the people of Israel were reminded that YHWH was their king, and the promise to David, and the anticipation throughout the Psalms and Prophets, was a kingdom ruled by YHWH. Jesus came announcing the coming of the kingdom of God, Paul speaks of inheriting the kingdom, and the book of Revelation ends with the announcement that "the kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ."

i. Exile

j. New Creation

k. Eschatology

Recommended Reading


Canonical Areas

Holy Scripture

Content of Scripture

a. Books of the Bible & Category b. Major Biblical Figures c. Major Biblical Themes

Context of Scripture

a. Historical Context b. Canonical Context c. Literary Genre d. History of Transmission / Translation

Interpretive Methods

a. Patristic Interpretive Methods b. Medieval Interpretative Methods c. Reformation Interpretative Methods d. Modern Interpretative Methods