Historical Context

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The historical context of scripture is discerned by ascertaining the historical time period, the cultural milieu, the author's situation and intention in writing.

Recommended Reading

D.A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo “An Introduction to the New Testament,” Tremper Longman III and Raymond B. Dillard “An Introduction to the Old Testament,” Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, "How to Read the Bible for all it's Worth"; Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, "How to Read the Bible Book by Book"


John Bright's "History of Israel" (4th ed.) and Roland DeVaux's "Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions" are helpful for historical context of the OT. Bernard Anderson's "Understanding the Old Testament" is also good in this regard. Everett Ferguson, "Backgrounds of Early Christianity" is excellent on historical context of the New Testament, as are the standard introductions, especially Raymond Brown's "Introduction to the New Testament" and D.A. Carson and Douglas Moo's "An Introduction to the New Testament."

Canonical Areas

Holy Scripture

Content of Scripture

a. Books of the Bible & Category b. Major Biblical Figures c. Major Biblical Themes

Context of Scripture

a. Historical Context b. Canonical Context c. Literary Context d. Transmission / Translation

Interpretive Methods

a. Patristic Interpretive Methods b. Medieval Interpretive Methods c. Reformation Interpretive Methods d. Modern Interpretive Methods