Canonical Areas

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The ACNA Canons require that people being ordained as presbyters be tested in 8 areas of study. The Dioceses of ACNA West want to ensure that candidates for ordination are well prepared and not surprised by the matter covered in the exams.

Holy Scripture

Content of Scripture

a. Books of the Bible & Category b. Major Biblical Figures c. Major Biblical Themes

Historical background

a. Cultural context of Bible and passages b. Salvation History and the Story of the Bible c. Sitz im Leben of books and passages

Interpretive Methods

a. Modern Critical Methods b. Exegesis for sermon/preaching c. Scripture interprets scripture d. Patristic Interpretive Methods e. Theological Interpretation of Scripture

Church History/Anglican Church History

a. Patristics & Early Church b. 7 Ecumenical Councils c. Reformation History - Continental & English d. Heresies - Ancient & Modern e. Celtic Christianity f. Foundation of Church in England & Canterbury g. Elizabethan Settlement h. BCP Development i. 39 Articles j. Oxford Movement k. Chicago Lambeth Quadrilateral l. North American Church History m. ACNA Foundations n. Missional Movements, Ancient and Modern


a. Creeds - Apostles, Nicene & Athanasian b. Trinity: Christology c. Salvation d. Sin, Suffering & Reconciliation e. Sacramental Theology f. Anglican Theological Method g. Office of Instruction/Catechism h. Heresies i. 39 Articles j. BCP 1962 as standard k. Theology of Mission


a. Contents & Use of BCP b. Shape of liturgy & Eucharistic Prayer c. Liturgical History d. How to adapt the liturgy of the word e. Pastoral Offices f. Daily Office g. Church Music 1940-1982 Hymnals & Contemporary Hymnody h. How to use the index in the hymnal i. Resources in choosing music j. Role of music - theology, worship & liturgical placement k. Church Year l. Vestments m. Liturgical Instruments n. Liturgy as a missional tool

Moral Theology & Ethics

a. Ability to identify morally relevant information in a situation b. Evaluate using 3 methods: consequences, rules, character/virtue c. Resources from scripture & tradition d. Lives of the saints - exemplars of Christian life e. Mandated Reporter f. Individual & corporate g. Pastoral implications h. Sacrament of confession i. Cure of Souls j. Contemporary Moral Issues

Ascetical Theology

a. Prayer life and spirituality of minister b. Understanding of Spiritual Disciplines c. Spiritual Direction d. Rule of Life e. Daily Office f. Monasticism & its role in the development of our liturgy g. Missional applications of ascetical theology h. Monasticism and mission i. Mystical & Contemplative Spirituality

Practical Theology

a. Office & work of the Presbyter b. Conduct of Worship c. Principles of sermon composition & delivery d. Principles & methods of Christian education in the parish e. Constituions and Canons of ACNA & Local Diocese f. Use of voice in reading & speaking g. Healing Prayer h. Theology of Marriage i. Baptismal Theology

Missionary Work of the Church

a. How gospel has been passed from one language, tribe, nation to another b. Basic principles of cross-cultural communication c. Mission Strategies d. Personal relational evangelism and apologetics e. Modern Missionary Movements f. Missionary connection with Monasticism g. Post-Christian America h. Re-engineering from the misssion field backwards i. Missiology drives ecclesiology