Books of the Bible & Category
It is expected and essential that examinees will be familiar in depth with the content of the Holy Scriptures. This knowledge is normally gained in a seminary context, but can be gained through diligent self-study. Check the recommended reading section of each page as a solid starting point.
Old Testament Books
The books of the Old Testament are organized into five sections. These include the Pentateuch or Law, History, Poetry or Wisdom, Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets. The online content quizzes provide opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of both content and structure of these books. Studying the pages linked to this page will prepare you to that the quizzes.
Recommended Reading
Arnold, Bill T. Encountering the Old Testament. Baker Academic, 2008.
Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, "How to Read the Bible Book by Book"
Canonical Areas
Holy Scripture
Content of Scripture
a. Books of the Bible & Category b. Major Biblical Figures c. Major Biblical Themes
Context of Scripture
a. Historical Context b. Canonical Context c. Literary Context d. Transmission / Translation
Interpretive Methods
a. Patristic Interpretive Methods b. Medieval Interpretive Methods c. Reformation Interpretive Methods d. Modern Interpretive Methods