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The ACNA Canons require that people being ordained as presbyters be tested in 8 areas of study. The Dioceses of ACNA West want to ensure that candidates for ordination are well prepared and not surprised by the matter covered in the exams.  
<strong>Canonical Areas for Presbyters</strong>
The ACNA Canons require that people being ordained as presbyters be tested in 8 areas of study. The Dioceses of ACNA West want to ensure that candidates for ordination are well prepared and not surprised by the matter covered in the exams. This wiki details the areas of study that training should cover. Additionally the pages of this wiki are in fact study guides that we hope assist people to prepare for the written ordination exams and ultimately for ordained ministry. All exams may be taken at any time in an ordination process.  
==[[Holy Scripture]]==
Here is a list of the basic primary resources with which all candidates will need to be familiar:
===[[Content of Scripture]]===
a. [[Books of the Bible]]
The Holy Scriptures, including the Inter-Testamental Literature
b. [[Major Biblical Figures]]
c. [[Major Biblical Themes]]
The Decalogue (especially as formulated for worship in the ''Book of Common Prayer'' 2019 [http://bcp2019.anglicanchurch.net/index.php/downloads/])
The Apostle’s Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Athanasian Creed
Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion found at the ACNA Liturgy Resources page [http://anglicanchurch.net/?/main/texts_for_common_prayer]
The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral
Jerusalem Declaration
Theological Statement of the ACNA found at the ACNA Theology page [http://www.anglicanchurch.net/index.php/main/Theology/]
''To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism'' [http://anglicanchurch.net/?/main/catechism]
''The Book of Common Prayer'' 2019 [http://bcp2019.anglicanchurch.net/index.php/downloads/]
[[For Deacons]] Deacons taking Canonical Exams in the six ACNA West Dioceses are encouraged to consult the Canonical Exam Study Guide by clicking the For Deacons link. Deacons are examined in the same Canonical Areas as Presbyters. However, the scope and focus of the Canonical Exams reflect the unique ministry of Deacons.  
===[[Historical background]]===
a. [[Cultural context of scripture]]
b. [[Salvation History]]
c. [[Sitzen-Leben of each passage]]
===[[Interpretive Methods]]===
==[[Holy Scripture]]==
a. [[Modern Critical Methods]]
#[[Content of Scripture]]
b. [[Exegesis for sermon/preaching]]
## [[Books of the Bible & Category]]
c. [[Scripture interprets scripture]]
## [[Major Biblical Figures]]
d. [[Patristic Interpretive Methods]]
## [[Major Biblical Themes]]
e. [[Theological Interpretation]]
#[[Context of Scripture]]
## [[Historical Context]]
## [[Canonical Context]]
## [[Literary Context]]
## [[Transmission / Translation]]  
#[[Interpretive Methods]]
## [[Patristic Interpretive Methods]]
## [[Medieval Interpretive Methods]]
## [[Reformation Interpretive Methods]]
## [[Modern Interpretive Methods]]
==[[Church History/Anglican Church History]]==
==[[Church History/Anglican Church History]]==
a. [[Patristics & Early Church]]
# [[Patristics & Early Church]]
b. [[7 Ecumenical Councils]]
# [[Medieval & Reformation Church]]
c. [[Reformation History - Continental & English]]
# [[Modern Church]]
d. [[Heresies - Ancient & Modern]]
e. [[Celtic Christianity]]
f. [[Foundation of Church in England & Canterbury]]
g. [[Elizabethan Settlement]]
h. [[BCP Development]]
i. [[39 Articles]]
j. [[Oxford Movement]]
k. [[Chicago Lambeth Quadrilateral]]
l. [[North American Church History]]
m. [[ACNA Foundations]]
n.      [[Missional Movements, Ancient and Modern]]
a.      Creeds - Apostles, Nicene & Athanasian
# [[Introduction to Christian Theology]]
b.      Salvation
## [[Creeds]]
c.      Sin, Suffering & Reconciliation
## [[Heresies]]
d.      Sacramental Theology
# [[Doctrine of God]]
e.      Anglican Theological Method
## [[Trinity]]
f.      Office of Instruction/Catechism
## [[Christology]]
g.      Heresies
# [[Doctrine of Salvation]]
h.      39 Articles
## [[Sin and Suffering]]
i.      BCP 1962 as standard
## [[Incarnation and Atonement]]
j.      Theology of Mission
## [[Life in Christ]]
# [[Doctrine of the Church]]
## [[Ecclesiology]]
## [[Sacramental Theology]]
## [[Theology of Mission]]
# [[Anglican Doctrine]]
## [[Anglican Theological Method]]
## [[Thirty-Nine Articles]]
# [[History of Christian Worship]]
# [[Content and use of The Book of Common Prayer]]
# [[Daily Office]]
# [[Corporate and Private Prayer]]
# [[Sacramental Theology]]
# [[The Holy Eucharist]]
# [[Baptism and Confirmation]]
# [[Marriage and Children]]
# [[Rites of Healing]]
# [[Death and Burial]]
# [[Sanctification of Time]]
# [[Sanctification of Space]]
# [[Liturgy and Music]]
# [[Liturgy and Mission]]
==[[Moral Theology & Ethics]]==
# [[Ability to identify morally relevant information in a situation]]
# [[Evaluate using 3 methods: consequences, rules, character/virtue]]
# [[Resources from scripture & tradition]]
# [[Lives of the saints - exemplars of Christian life]]
# [[Mandated Reporter]]
# [[Individual & corporate]]
# [[Pastoral implications]]
# [[Sacrament of confession]]
# [[Cure of Souls]]
# [[Contemporary Moral Issues]]
==[[Ascetical Theology]]==
# [[Prayer life and spirituality of minister]]
# [[Understanding of Spiritual Disciplines]]
## [[Spiritual Direction]]
## [[Rule of Life]]
## [[Daily Office]]
# [[Monasticism & its role in the development of our liturgy]]
# [[Missional applications of ascetical theology]]
# [[Monasticism and mission]]
# [[Mystical & Contemplative Spirituality]]
# [[Tools for Prayer and Scripture Reading]]
# [[Vocation]]
# [[Discernment]]
# [[Gifts & Fruit of the Spirit]]
# [[Stewardship]]
==[[Practical Theology]]==
a.      Contents & Use of BCP
b.      Shape of liturgy & Eucharistic Prayer
c.      Liturigical History
d.      How to adapt the liturgy of the word
e.      Pastoral Offices
f.      Daily Office
g.      Church Music  1940-1982 Hymnals & Contemporary Hymnody
h.      How to use the index in the hymnal
i.      Resources in choosing music
j.      Role of music - theology, worship & liturgical placement
k.      Church Year
l.      Vestments
m.      Liturgical Instruments
n.      Liturgy as a missional tool
==Moral Theology & Ethics==
# [[Evangelism]]
a.      Ability to identify morally relevant information in a situation
# [[Discipleship/Spiritual Formation]]
b.      Evaluate using 3 methods: consequences, rules, character/virtue
##[[Christian Education]]
c.      Resources from scripture & tradition
##[[Instruction in Catechism]]
d.      Lives of the saints - exemplars of Christian life
# [[Homiletics]]
e.      Mandated Reporter
# [[Pastoral Care]]
f.      Individual & corporate
##[[Pastoral Counseling]]
g.      Pastoral implications
##[[Clinical Pastoral Training]]
h.      Sacrament of confession
##[[Healing Ministry]]
i.      Cure of Souls
# [[Leadership Development]]
j.      Contemporary Moral Issues
# [[Church Administration]]
# [[Constitution & Canons of the ACNA & Diocese of the Candidate]]
# [[Worship Leadership]]
==Ascetical Theology==
==[[Missionary Work of the Church]]==
a.      Prayer life and spirituality of minister
b.      Understanding of Spiritual Disciplines
c.      Spiritual Direction
d.      Rule of Life
e.      Daily Office
f.      Monasticism & its role in the development of our liturgy
g.      Missional applications of ascetical theology
h.      Monasticism and mission
i.      Mystical & Contemplative Spirituality
==Practical Theology==
# [[History of Christian Mission]]
a.      Office & work of the Presbyter
# [[Paradigms for Mission]]
b.      Conduct of Worship
## [[Missiology and ecclesiology]]
c.      Principles of sermon composition & delivery
## [[Mission Strategies]]
d.      Principles & methods of Christian education in the parish
# [[The Practices of Mission]]
e.      Constituions and Canons of ACNA & Local Diocese
## [[Evangelism and Apologetics]]
f.      Use of voice in reading & speaking
## [[Cross-cultural communication]]
g.      Healing Prayer
## [[Contextualization]]
h.      Theology of Marriage
## [[Church Planting]]
i.      Baptismal Theology
# [[Mission in 21st Century North America]]
## [[Missional Implications of Technology]]
## [[Post-Christian North America]]
==Missionary Work of the Church==
==[[Board of Examining Chaplains]]==
a.      How gospel has been passed from one language, tribe, nation to another
==[[Main Page]]==
b.      Basic principles of cross-cultural communication
==[[For Deacons]]==
c.      Mission Strategies
d.      Personal relational evangelism and apologetics
e.      Modern Missionary Movements
f.      Missionary connection with Monasticism
g.      Post-Christian America
h.      Re-engineering from the misssion field backwards
i.      Missiology drives ecclesiology

Latest revision as of 23:10, 17 November 2022

Canonical Areas for Presbyters The ACNA Canons require that people being ordained as presbyters be tested in 8 areas of study. The Dioceses of ACNA West want to ensure that candidates for ordination are well prepared and not surprised by the matter covered in the exams. This wiki details the areas of study that training should cover. Additionally the pages of this wiki are in fact study guides that we hope assist people to prepare for the written ordination exams and ultimately for ordained ministry. All exams may be taken at any time in an ordination process.

Here is a list of the basic primary resources with which all candidates will need to be familiar:

The Holy Scriptures, including the Inter-Testamental Literature

The Decalogue (especially as formulated for worship in the Book of Common Prayer 2019 [1])

The Apostle’s Creed

The Nicene Creed

The Athanasian Creed

Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion found at the ACNA Liturgy Resources page [2]

The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral

Jerusalem Declaration

Theological Statement of the ACNA found at the ACNA Theology page [3]

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism [4]

The Book of Common Prayer 2019 [5]

For Deacons Deacons taking Canonical Exams in the six ACNA West Dioceses are encouraged to consult the Canonical Exam Study Guide by clicking the For Deacons link. Deacons are examined in the same Canonical Areas as Presbyters. However, the scope and focus of the Canonical Exams reflect the unique ministry of Deacons.

Holy Scripture

  1. Content of Scripture
    1. Books of the Bible & Category
    2. Major Biblical Figures
    3. Major Biblical Themes
  2. Context of Scripture
    1. Historical Context
    2. Canonical Context
    3. Literary Context
    4. Transmission / Translation
  3. Interpretive Methods
    1. Patristic Interpretive Methods
    2. Medieval Interpretive Methods
    3. Reformation Interpretive Methods
    4. Modern Interpretive Methods

Church History/Anglican Church History

  1. Patristics & Early Church
  2. Medieval & Reformation Church
  3. Modern Church


  1. Introduction to Christian Theology
    1. Creeds
    2. Heresies
  2. Doctrine of God
    1. Trinity
    2. Christology
  3. Doctrine of Salvation
    1. Sin and Suffering
    2. Incarnation and Atonement
    3. Life in Christ
  4. Doctrine of the Church
    1. Ecclesiology
    2. Sacramental Theology
    3. Theology of Mission
  5. Anglican Doctrine
    1. Anglican Theological Method
    2. Thirty-Nine Articles


  1. History of Christian Worship
  2. Content and use of The Book of Common Prayer
  3. Daily Office
  4. Corporate and Private Prayer
  5. Sacramental Theology
  6. The Holy Eucharist
  7. Baptism and Confirmation
  8. Marriage and Children
  9. Rites of Healing
  10. Death and Burial
  11. Sanctification of Time
  12. Sanctification of Space
  13. Liturgy and Music
  14. Liturgy and Mission

Moral Theology & Ethics

  1. Ability to identify morally relevant information in a situation
  2. Evaluate using 3 methods: consequences, rules, character/virtue
  3. Resources from scripture & tradition
  4. Lives of the saints - exemplars of Christian life
  5. Mandated Reporter
  6. Individual & corporate
  7. Pastoral implications
  8. Sacrament of confession
  9. Cure of Souls
  10. Contemporary Moral Issues

Ascetical Theology

  1. Prayer life and spirituality of minister
  2. Understanding of Spiritual Disciplines
    1. Spiritual Direction
    2. Rule of Life
    3. Daily Office
  3. Monasticism & its role in the development of our liturgy
  4. Missional applications of ascetical theology
  5. Monasticism and mission
  6. Mystical & Contemplative Spirituality
  7. Tools for Prayer and Scripture Reading
  8. Vocation
  9. Discernment
  10. Gifts & Fruit of the Spirit
  11. Stewardship

Practical Theology

  1. Evangelism
  2. Discipleship/Spiritual Formation
    1. Christian Education
    2. Instruction in Catechism
  3. Homiletics
  4. Pastoral Care
    1. Pastoral Counseling
    2. Clinical Pastoral Training
    3. Healing Ministry
  5. Leadership Development
  6. Church Administration
  7. Constitution & Canons of the ACNA & Diocese of the Candidate
  8. Worship Leadership

Missionary Work of the Church

  1. History of Christian Mission
  2. Paradigms for Mission
    1. Missiology and ecclesiology
    2. Mission Strategies
  3. The Practices of Mission
    1. Evangelism and Apologetics
    2. Cross-cultural communication
    3. Contextualization
    4. Church Planting
  4. Mission in 21st Century North America
    1. Missional Implications of Technology
    2. Post-Christian North America

Board of Examining Chaplains

Main Page

For Deacons