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(Practical Theology)
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# [[Hymnal tradition and music selection in corporate worship]]
# [[Hymnal tradition and music selection in corporate worship]]
# [[Sanctification of space: vestments, furnishings, and architecture]]
# [[Sanctification of space: vestments, furnishings, and architecture]]
==[[Moral Theology & Ethics]]==
==[[Moral Theology & Ethics]]==

Revision as of 22:11, 7 March 2019

The ACNA Canons require that people being ordained as presbyters be tested in 8 areas of study. The Dioceses of ACNA West want to ensure that candidates for ordination are well prepared and not surprised by the matter covered in the exams. This wiki details the areas of study that training should cover. Additionally the pages of this wiki are in fact study guides that we hope assist people to prepare for ordained ministry, the ordination exams, and short online content quizzes that are part of the ordination process. All exams and quizzes may be taken at any time in an ordination process. Needless to say, someone studying the Old Testament might want to take the online content quizzes as they finish their course rather than three years later.

Here is a list of the basic primary resources with which all candidates will need to be familiar:

The Holy Scriptures, including the Deutero-Canon

The Decalogue (especially as formulated for worship by the ACNA at Texts for Common Worship [1]

The Apostle’s Creed

The Nicene Creed

The Athanasian Creed

Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion found at the ACNA Liturgy Resources page [2]

The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral

Jerusalem Declaration

Theological Statement of the ACNA found at the ACNA Theology page [3]

To Be A Christian: An Anglican Catechism found at [4]

The ACNA Liturgy texts found on the ACNA Liturgy Resources page [5]

Holy Scripture

  1. Content of Scripture
    1. Books of the Bible & Category
    2. Major Biblical Figures
    3. Major Biblical Themes
  2. Context of Scripture
    1. Historical Context
    2. Canonical Context
    3. Literary Context
    4. Transmission / Translation
  3. Interpretive Methods
    1. Patristic Interpretive Methods
    2. Medieval Interpretive Methods
    3. Reformation Interpretive Methods
    4. Modern Interpretive Methods

Church History/Anglican Church History

  1. Patristics & Early Church
  2. Medieval & Reformation Church
  3. Modern Church


  1. Creeds - Apostles, Nicene & Athanasian
  2. Trinity: Christology
  3. Salvation
  4. Sin, Suffering & Reconciliation
  5. Sacramental Theology
  6. Anglican Theological Method
  7. Office of Instruction/Catechism
  8. Heresies
  9. 39 Articles
  10. BCP 1662 as standard
  11. Theology of Mission


  1. History of Christian worship
  2. Content and use of The Book of Common Prayer
  3. Sanctification of time: the church year and calendar of saints
  4. Sacramental theology
  5. Christian initiation: Baptism and confirmation
  6. Shape of the Holy Eucharist
  7. Other sacraments and pastoral services
  8. Daily Office
  9. Liturgy and mission
  10. Music in worship: history and theology
  11. Hymnal tradition and music selection in corporate worship
  12. Sanctification of space: vestments, furnishings, and architecture

Moral Theology & Ethics

  1. Ability to identify morally relevant information in a situation
  2. Evaluate using 3 methods: consequences, rules, character/virtue
  3. Resources from scripture & tradition
  4. Lives of the saints - exemplars of Christian life
  5. Mandated Reporter
  6. Individual & corporate
  7. Pastoral implications
  8. Sacrament of confession
  9. Cure of Souls
  10. Contemporary Moral Issues

Ascetical Theology

  1. Prayer life and spirituality of minister
  2. Understanding of Spiritual Disciplines
  3. Spiritual Direction
  4. Rule of Life
  5. Daily Office
  6. Monasticism & its role in the development of our liturgy
  7. Missional applications of ascetical theology
  8. Monasticism and mission
  9. Mystical & Contemplative Spirituality
  10. Tools for Prayer and Scripture Reading
  11. Vocation
  12. Discernment
  13. Gifts & Fruit of the Spirit
  14. Stewardship

Practical Theology

  1. Evangelism
  2. Discipleship
  3. Constitution & Canons of the ACNA & Diocese of the Candidate
  4. Homiletics
  5. Sacramental Life
  6. Leadership Development
  7. Pastoral Care
  8. Church Administration

Missionary Work of the Church

  1. How gospel has been passed from one language, tribe, nation to another
  2. Basic principles of cross-cultural communication
  3. Mission Strategies
  4. Personal relational evangelism and apologetics
  5. Modern Missionary Movements
  6. Missionary connection with Monasticism
  7. Post-Christian America
  8. Re-engineering from the mission field backwards
  9. Missiology and ecclesiology
  10. Missional Implications of Technology
  11. Church Planting

Canonical Areas

Board of Examining Chaplains